Frequently Asked Questions
- How long will each session last?
All sessions including the initial appoinment will last 50 minutes.
- Do I need to make an appoinment before I come to your office?
Making an appoinment will help prevent waiting when you arrive here.
- How can I make an appointment?
You can contact me by telephone, e-mail or you can use the form on my website. Please remember to leave your name and contact details.
- What if I can’t make a scheduled appointment?
If you need to cancel your appoinment, please call the office or my mobile.
- I want to stop my medication/ I have stopped taking my tablets/ do I need my medication while I am in therapy?
You need to consult your doctor before you take any medicine. It is even more important if you are on psychiatric drugs. If you stop suddenly or reduce the amount of your daily medication without consulting your doctor, you might experience serious unplesasant side effects.
- Can I get help with infant, child and adolescent problems?
No, I am specialized in adult psychological and emotional difficulties (18 years and over). You would never see a doctor specialized in gynaecology, cardiology and internal medicine at the same time. Similarly, specialization within our field is very important and necessary.
- I have got another question.
If you got any further questions, please use the form on “Contact” page.